...and educational toys

Choose your puzzle

Apuan alps

Modular 3D jigsaw puzzle

54 modules to settle the
entire Apuan chain

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5000-piece 3D jigsaw puzzle

Be captivated and challenge

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100-piece 3D jigsaw puzzle

A view of the Apuan chain
with incredible details

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Puzzle earth 3d prototype

Puzzle Earth 3D

It's not over yet! We have another ambitious project for you!
We aim to create a whole mountain range sphere, like a Google Earth in 3D jigsaw puzzle.

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I'll diclose the Apuan Alps to the whole world!


By walking solo routes, shooting the most unusual details, studying colours in all seasons, touching all kinds of surfaces and savouring everything mountains give, I will realise my dream: shaping the Apuan Alps into small puzzle tiles.

Donatella balloni firma

Modular 3D jigsaw puzzle

A large puzzle made up of approximately 54 modules that can be combined, measuring 16x16cm each. Each module, which can be purchased separately and available in different colours, includes a small part of the Apuan Alps.

Puzzle 3d componibile (53)

These are the first color tiles we have made.
They will be available starting January 2024!

+ another 48 tiles soon available!

Endless ideas for the future... for everyone!

Our project was born thinking of children, to allow them to know the mountains and their natural features.

Moreover, we aim to create a tactile tool that stimulates cognitive and motor skills of people, including those with disabilities.

We have more to tell you.

News and stories about the Apuan peaks

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